Friday, December 17, 2010

My Final Assessment

            Yeah I know I was the one who wanted to do the video for my final assessment but I didn’t get around to trying to make it so I settled for the paper instead.  Even before this class had started Jen had sent us out an email saying bring a campus safari and answer these questions by tomorrow for your first grades in our class.  This to me was a huge shocker to what college life was going to be all about.  But then I realized that everyone else had felt the same way.  But as the semester trudged along I realized that I started to like this class because of its stimulating conversations and discussions we had.   This class was very challenging in all perspective of the college life.
            Over this semester in inquiry I have gained a lot of confidence in speaking in front of the class such as raising my hand and answering one of Jens questions.  In high school I was the kid who didn’t talk much in every class but got by with a B or better.  I liked participating in this class because I knew no one would judge me on what I had to say.  I felt I have made progress on the college thinking level with doing so much work with inquiry and writing lots of essays in my history class.  This class also showed not to be afraid by what you stand by, argue your position on the topic and I felt I have become a lot more comfortable in doing that in a college class. 

            Even though I commute to school everyday, sometimes it is an inconvenience to do drive 20-40 minutes out of my way to get an interview done with a professor on something.  But I learned that each class has to have a separate priority slot in my life.  I took my time to do all the work in my harder classes such as my exercise science and inquiry class, but knew what I had to do and got them done quick and easy with my history and English classes.  Also in doing my midterm video on time management in food and eating healthy, I learned that a lot of people should sit down and have a proper meal more than a couple times a week.  My study habits changed significantly also, because when I was a senior I barely studied because my hardest class didn’t even require a textbook it required us taking care of our cars properly.  I learned that if I wanted to pass all of these classes I needed to study like a maniac. 
            I also believe my social life has changed a lot in many ways. I have new friends in all of my classes including inquiry.  It has been quite the experiences getting to know them all but; in the end everything was great.  From getting up at 5 o’clock to get the athletic training room for 6:15 took a lot of time and effort.  Banding together to get that surprise campus safari assignment done and handed in took hard work and friendships.  All in all I want to make more friends on campus, or maybe get an apartment down the street so I can hang out with them and not have to drive 20 minutes to see them.

             To conclude this awesome and final blog post for inquiry, I will say that blogging was a new experience for me because it is something that I have never done before.  It was weird in many ways on the topics we had to answer, or the specific reasoning behind what we had to say.  I didn’t like it at first because I just thought of it as a waste of time, or just another assignment to do for this class but I began to like talking about my family or myself and share my personal experiences on campus.  I thought this inquiry class was awesome, and I hope to see some of you guys next semester!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My final video

The final video, I had to cut it down my almost a minute because it wouldnt upload to youtube. hope you guys like it!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Goals, Goals, and more Goals..

Some of my big goals for next semester are to get into the athletic training program at Southern Connecticut State University, which would be a huge load off of my shoulders.  That is probably my biggest academic goal for next semester, but other ones like keep my gpa up and do well which are always goals for me.  Some of my social goals for next semester are to try and make more friends on campus, I know I have made a couple this semester but I want to make a lot more.  I want to go out more to downtown New Haven and get used to being in New Haven because seeing as I don’t want to live on campus because it is really boring I can save my money for a place some where near there so I can stop bugging my parents at home.    

 Some of my personal goals is to just be a happier person in general, I know I an be a grouch when I want to be or be really annoying according to some people…  but I want to change that so people can see me as a better person than they already know me by.  I want to get a job other than lifeguarding and being a camp counselor because I have done that for way to long and it is time to do something new and exciting with my boring life.  As this semster wraps up and winter break comes, my goal for winter is to snowboard as much as possible.  It relaxes me to no end and I just feel at one with myself when I am in the back country of VT. 

Ups and Downs

I have had lots of ups and down this semester regarding my schoolwork and just school activities in general.  I have lots of trouble in the beginning adjusting to the college workload and the college classes.  But once the semester got going I felt it got easier as it went.  My first big battle of the semester was getting the campus safaris done and handed in on time.  Weeks would come and go and I steadily got the hang of doing them.  Some other big problems I had were getting my student interviews done in my exercise science 184 class.  They were extremely difficult because no one would tell us when the teams had practices with the athletic training students (ATS) or when they had games and no one had practices. 

To also go along with the AT stuff the students we interviewed didn’t really want to help us out because we asked the same questions over and over again because it was the same interview that our professor made us do twenty times.  Then after a while I became friends with a couple of the ATS and I got to learn their practices schedules with the teams they helped with.  After the first week I had lots of successes with parking and getting good spots in the parking lots closes to the campus or even in the parking garage.  Every first year college student has a lot of ups and downs, I felt I was just going with the flow, getting stressed out over the same exams and stuff like that.  

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good times, Good times

Grouping the English class and the Inquiry class was a very fun and enjoyable experience.  It made it seem like the transition to college life and getting to know new people who were just like you a lot easier and a lot less scary.  It was awesome getting to know everyone in the class, made some new friends that hopefully I will get to see around campus more after this class.  The good class discussions aka arguing over stupid stuff in Inquiry and of course no one paying attention in Pete’s class.  I will really miss hanging out between classes talking about random stuff also, the two classes combined made the transition to college friends a lot easier to handle and not make anything awkward.   


Forgetting to do the campus safaris right before the class was always fun not, having to worry about taking notes on stuff that we didn’t want to take notes on.  I never thought I would say this but inquiry actually got fun after a while, lee made the class seem less nerve racking to take because someone that we know had gone through it before we did.  But now that this semester is coming to an end I hope I see my friends around campus.  Keeping ties between friends made in college is always good, someone told me a while ago before orientation that the friends you make in college will are your true friends and will stay with you for the rest of your life. 

One Day..

My ideal life after college after college is simple; hopefully use the degree I got at Southern Connecticut State University to further and better my life by getting a job in the area I was taught in.   I would also like to get my own place with my dog and my girlfriend and finally start my adult life.  I would like to be making enough money from my job to have the car of my dreams and hopefully have enough to pay for other necessities in my life.    But the one thing I really want is to truly be happy doing what I do every day, wake up with a smile on my face and go to bed with a smile on my face.  I want to make a good amount of money, get through the tough years after college happy and satisfied that my college education actually paid off in the long run.

Eventually I want to move away from the city/rural area and move down south.  I have always wanted to live in North Carolina on the shore and on a beach and relax with my family every day.  But I know it will take a long time, but for now I am sticking with all I want is to be happy with everything in my life after college with the people that make me happy to be alive.  I want to be a normal average Joe and live my life like everyone else after college, pay off loans and live on coffee and fast food just like we all did in college.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

my life be like ooh ahh
This is my video so far its a little on the short side now, but i promise it will get alot better..i plan to interview all the people in my life who know me very well and can judge which job they think i would be better at.  So comment on what you like and dont like so far, i still want to ask more questions to the people i am interviewing.  post them on here if you want!

An Italian feast!

            Seeing as thanksgiving just pasted I guess I’ll talk about all the food I had on the holiday and the days after.  I went to my mom’s side for thanksgiving this year; it one huge Italian mess. We got kids screaming, dogs running around, and people giving toasts to family every 5 seconds.  Food none the less was the best part, so much great Italian cooking I couldn’t help but go up for 2nds, 3rds, and 4ths.  All the turkey we could eat, along with my grandma’s homemade meatballs and ziti, cornbread up the wahzoo, and last but not least mashed potatoes with gravy.  I didn’t know where to start there was so much food but so little time to eat it before the football game came back on.  My cousins dared me to make a sandwich out of everything that was on my plate, and if you know me pretty well I did it and ate it.  Ima champ, just sayin.

              You cant forget the best part about thanksgiving, the pie!  Mmm my family had atleast 12 different pies; from apple to canoli to pumkin and pecan we had it all.  So much pie I couldn’t stop eating until the food coma set in, so then I waited like an hour and started all over again.  That’s usally how the evening goes and you repeat the process one-three times depending on the person.  You cant get much better than a Italian family thanksgiving besides all the yelling and screaming, the dogs grabbing peoples dinners off their plates.  But its one of my favorite holidays because of the food. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

follow the leader

Before I aged out and became a leader I was in the boy scouts.  Yeah, yeah everyone make their jokes, but in all seriousness being in the boy scouts gave me many opportunities to show off my skills of being a leader.  Many experiences stood out in my mind but this one example just stuck with me.  We were hiking the appliachian trail a couple years back, my leaders were in the back letting the kids lead.  It started to become dark out and we still had not arrived to our campsite yet.  So we stopped on the trail to check the map.  We were 4 miles away from destination because we had taken the wrong trail, by this time most people would give up and sleep there for the  night, not me I took charge with my flashlight ahead of the group down the trail hanging glow sticks on the trees with the trail markers so we could make it back to camp. 

            We had finally arrived at camp around 11 oclock at night, everyone had thanked me for doing this because if someone did go ahead of the group to get back on the trail to find the markers we would have been lost until morning.  I thanked god espcically that night for not giving me horrible eyesight unlike my dad.  This may seem stupid to some people but this is what changed me as a person in the outdoors to always plan ahead and pay attention to key things in the nature. 

reasons why i pull my hair out

A difficult situation I have been in over the semester was in my exercise science classes.  We have to do interviews with the athletic training students in the program at Southern Connecticut State University and find out what they like about southern and the ATEP at Southern Connecticut State University.  These interviews are usually 25 questions long; we had to do the same questions 20 different times to 20 different students.  This wasn’t the hardest part about the assignment; the hardest part was finding the students in the athletic training rooms and on the sports fields during practice.  This was a long and difficult process to do, sometimes the athletic training rooms would be closed and no one was in them, or their practice was cancelled.
 Over the course of the semester I learned when to get to the athletic training room, and after interviewing 20 students with the same questions it got really boring.  I finally figured out when the games were for the teams to I based my trips to class and the ATR around this.  The first sport that I interviewed all the AT students in was football, there were all understanding of what we had to do because they had to do it the previous year so they knew what we had to deal with.  Next was Soccer, up early at school by 7:15 to get my interviews done that was a long and tedious process.  Finally I finished my interviews with gymnastics these guys were my favorite because all they did was joke around and have fun.  They were all great interviews in the end and I learned a lot.  

Friday, November 12, 2010

The nuts and bolts of Athletic Training

One class I feel intellectually stimulated in is my exercise science class in pelz gym.  We are just starting to get into the good stuff of athletic training all the human bio stuff I should have taken in high school if I actually thought of doing this kind of work.  All the anatomy terms interest me; learning about the different bones and muscles of the body really intrigues me.  I participate a lot in class and most of the time the answers are right, so it boosts my confidence up to know in a college class I can answer questions successfully.  Even though this class is really challenging I believe that I can make it into the program if I work very hard and complete everything on time.

My professor in this class is very funny which makes the class that more enjoyable to be in.  He tries to get us all involved; I think that’s the key to getting people to pay attention in college.  My friends in the class also make it enjoyable, they help me along since most of them are upperclassmen they guide me in the decisions I make.  My exercise science class is one of my favorite classes this semester because it is so interesting, I am surprised I am doing this well, and I always have to go back and study everything over again.  This major will not get easier from here, only harder so I have to keep my head up and do well if I want to become an athletic trainer.

off the beaten path

            Usually when I study at Southern Connecticut State University I study inside at the student center.  On occasion when the weather is nice out I like to sit outside underneath the trees in front of Englemen Hall by the quad.   It is very relaxing and there is rarely anyone else there.  Seeing as it is getting closer to winter I don’t think I will be outside as much but on nice fall day I will be out there on my laptop studying away.  It really is a hidden gem on the campus for studying not many people realize how nice Southern Connecticut State University is in the fall weather with all the fall foliage around.  Sometimes I will go outside of the student center just to sit and relax, one time there was some dude doing yoga outside of the fine arts building and he asked me if I wanted to join, I said no.
            The only down sides to this study spot is the weather and sometimes groups of people actually do come outside and sit down but they talk obnoxiously loud and it isn’t really good for studying at all.  Usually the weather cooperates with me and I can sit outside for hours on a time until my next classes.  If you haven’t sat outside and tried to study before on campus I suggest you do it!  Its fun if you get a study group together with your friends or just go out there to relax.  I recommend this spot to anyone on the campus!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

C's dont cut it

            All through out my middle school, high school, and now college career teachers have always told me if you do that work and show up to class you will get a C.  Well seeing as I have been in school for most of my life, and I have not seen one case where that is true.  It’s always something else that you have to do to get barely a passing grade.  I am not one of those people that just settles for the C or the D because I like pushing myself in my classes. But from friends who have done nothing but the bare minimum have gotten away with a D-.  Why do teachers promise us middle level grades for mid level work but then almost flunk us?  Its like they don’t tell us everything that we needed to do to do well. 

            If I just showed up and did the work for some of my classes in high school I wouldn’t be in college at this point because some teachers just like to work us over, and in turn we hate those teachers.  But I have finally figured out that the teachers that pushed us to no end actually helped us more.  They showed us that college is a step up and that we needed to be prepared for it.  So for that I thank my Senior year expository writing teacher ms. Feely, because she pushed me to the point where I wanted to just give up in that class.  Even though she will be alone for the rest of her life because she is so mean and heartless I thank her 

maybe i should have ran track in high school...

            When I want to relieve stress the one thing I can always count on is running.  This always has seemed to work for me very well.  No matter the conditions out side I will always make time to go for a run and get everything off my mind.  Usually I go for 2 or 3 miles when I go because that has been the norm for me throughout high school.  Even though I did not do track or cross country I always found myself running around places when I didn’t have a car.  Its very relaxing if you go at night because there are not a lot of cars to worry about on the road and at this time of year you fill your lungs up with that crisp cold fall air.  Listening to music helps me running because I can stay with the beat or pace myself, whether it’s metal, hip-hop or even rock. 

Running along with being a stress reliever keeps me in shape for the up coming months of doing nothing but eating lots of food and being lazy on the couch.  It always seems to help if I have something on my mind that I’ve been thinking about for a while.  I really don’t know what it is that I love so much about it, I always feel accomplished after a run because it gives me pride to know that there is something that I know I can do in my life that no one else can tell me how to do.  In the end I know if I ran well il come home and pass out on the couch downstairs, if you guys haven’t found something that suits you with controlling stress levels I suggest running its worked for me for a very long time.   

Saturday, October 30, 2010

outta my shell

            Something I have done that was out of the ordinary or different for me during the week was something that I hadn’t done since last summer.  I hadn’t slept in my own bed since the beginning of summer 2009. Since I had moved in to our new house I had slept on the pull out sofa bed for the entire year since this week.  It was different for me because I had been used to sleeping on a crappy queen pull out sofa instead of my twin-sized bed.  I had enjoyed being back in my own bed, instead of sleeping down stairs all the time.  The only perk of sleeping on the pullout couch was I got to hangout with Marley (my dog) all the time.  Sometimes he would jump up onto the bed and fall asleep he would take up more room on the bed then I would and he is only a 6-month-old puppy.   

            It was different to finally sleep in my own bed after a year but I like it a lot more than sleeping down stairs, with that backbreaking mattress.  I felt like it I had been so much longer than it already has been.  I am promised a bigger bed since my feet hang over half a foot on the twin sized one.  We are finally finished “moving in” to our house so now I can finally have some peace and quiet in my own room.  This own experience had changed me a little bit but I am happy that everything is back to normal.

Friday, October 29, 2010

mah grades

As I reflect on my midterm grades as a whole, I thought to myself how did I do this well, I didn’t think that I had done this in my first half of my first semester my freshman year.  All my grades are decent and enough to keep my parents happy for the time being.  My inquiry grade I was surprised about because I didn’t think I had done that well, or had remembered to do some of the assignments to get the grade that I had received.  I am very proud of myself for putting my nose to the grindstone and working my butt off and not wasting time like I did in high school.  I have learned how to study like a college student should and I guess it paid off in the long run.

   My grades for my other classes are quiet impressive for my history of grades.  My exercise science grade was a b- I thought I at least had a c- or a d+ because I thought I didn’t know how to do anything in that class.  I enjoy history a lot so there was so surprise that I actually did well and aced the midterm like I had hoped to.  My math grade was a little less than what I had expected but over all my grades reflected on how much work I put forth to do well and I think that is an accomplishment in itself.  I couldn’t have got this far without out help from my friends and parents so I have to thank them to for all the support.     

Saturday, October 23, 2010

fake GPA's

            When I read over the articles for this week’s class the one about grade inflation really stuck out in my mind.  I don’t think this is a good idea, I believe it is cheating to add points to your students overall gpa’s.  It is just wrong for some colleges and schools to do it but not all.  Just because they want to put their students ahead of the game isn’t fair to the rest of us who don’t get that advantage and have to compete with schools like that.  This means for us competing with those students for the same jobs we have to do extra well just to get slightly ahead of their game when they already do not have to anything to improve it.  It is an unfair advantage just because they can pay to go there doesn’t mean that they deserve to receive higher grades than normal students.

If this is implemented in some schools it should be implemented in all schools. Just because you pay a higher tuition doesn’t mean you can cheat your way into the work force.  This will also make the students think that they don’t need o work as hard as they did.  Just because they will automatically get higher grades so they wont have the intuition to work as hard as they did.  It makes the students become lazier.  This will in turn make it seem like they don’t have to go to class to earn better grades so they will have no motivation to want to learn more and better themselves.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

my video word up

This is my video on Time management in food, its not great quality and some of the shots are off, but i think it came out pretty good.  Took me a long time to do but the topic was very interesting and i thank all of my friends that helped me make this epic video

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My life

            So a free topic once again, well I sat around for about an hour not being able to think about a topic to write about because it’s a Saturday and I should have done this earlier in the week but that’s not the point.  I finally figured about what to write, so I’m going to talk about snowboarding this winter.  I can’t wait to finally get back on my board; it has been way to long.  I can’t wait for the snow, the fun car rides, and all the sick videos I am going to make this winter.  My board has been collecting dust, I just want to get back on and ride down the mountain headphones plugged in being that annoying snowboarder that all the skiers hate with a passion.  There is nothing better than getting up at 5 on a Saturday driving 4 hrs to okemo in VT to snowboard all day that’s just the best it gets, and im not being sarcastic.  During the winter this is what I live for, if its Mt Southington or Mt Snow in Vermont a mountain is a mountain and I don’t care. 
    I have been snowboarding all my life, and do not plan to stop any time soon.  If I went to Costal Carolina for school I wouldn’t get to do what I live for during the winter.  I will one of those dads who will buy their kids their first boards, and teach them how to board.  My dad skis but he some how taught me how to snowboard in one day.  So yeah that’s my rant on snowboarding, its been my one true passion I have done all my life, and I don’t think I could ever stop its just so fun.

lee is legit!

Our new peer mentor lee is awesome.  I enjoy the way that she tries to get us more involved in the campus with fun activities like the free hug campaign.  She is very personable, even though she is an upper class man she relates to us as freshman with many experiences that we will have in our future.  Her techniques to help us out with life work very well with the different exercises she has done with us in only the 15 minutes in the beginning of class.  I liked the activity we did when we had to chose the most important people in our lives, it made me think about who was important and it made me think on what would I do if I had to jump off a cliff and only save 1 person.  I also liked the laughing exercise.  I did not take it seriously in the beginning but after we all had a good laugh it made me feel happier inside. 

            I am glad we finally were given a peer mentor to ask our questions to.  Its like asking another freshman with a lot of experience on what to do with our lives.  In the beginning I didn’t really care if we got a peer mentor or not because I am just one of those people that don’t care every much for students who feel like talking in circles about are lives and crying it out.  Lee is really cool she is like one of us; chill relaxed just wants to be a college student.  I am glad she is our peer mentor and I can’t wait what she has in store for us for the future.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

History teacher or Athletic Trainer, its life..

I have wanted to be so many different things in my life I lost track after construction worker in 2nd grade.  These past few years I have thought about becoming a history teacher, because I had always been interested in all the wars and changes that Europe and America went through.  I have thought I could be a high school history teacher, teach about the civil war, world war I, world war II, Vietnam, Korea, The Gulf War and now the war that’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I had thought about this for months.  Then I started to shy away from history and into Athletic Training.  It was on the list for Southern Connecticut State University major choices.  I went out on a limb and said sure I will try it.  I had loved wrestling in high school, and in general sports all my life.  When I became injured the middle of my junior year it killed me to know I could never wrestle again.

 I went through rehab and all the pain of rehab with countless athletic trainers seeing how nice and mean they were to me at different times.  Those memories sparked my interest to go into that major because I love sports and I love helping people when they are injured and the whole medical aspect of the sport.  Now in my freshman year I have to decide within the next couple of years what I want to do with my life.  To become a history teacher for a high school get summers off and winter breaks or become an athletic trainer and help out people with their injuries on the road back to recovery.  I honestly have no idea what to do.  I am not a man with a plan so this is going to take a while to decide

is there such thing as a perfect post?

There are many different components you need in your blog post to make it “good”, many of which mine don’t posses but I see in fellow students blog post’s.  Such as clarity, every good post should have clarity in it to describe and show clearly what the person is talking about.  The topic should be interesting to drag the reader in to want to read more about what you have to say.  They should have good visuals in the post to connect something to what the readers were reading about.   The post it self should be the proper length just for the sake of doing the right amount for the professor. 

In my opinion the most important part to making a good blog post is the clarity of the subject you are talking about to the audience.  If it isn’t fluent and clear the reader will either get bored reading it really fast or just exit out of the page because you make no sense.  It’s true if I read someone’s post and I can’t understand what im reading, seya later I just exit out and move on.  I know its rude but I like to be able to comprehend what I read instead of being confused the entire time.  Mike’s blog shows good examples of what blog posts should look like.  They are well structured and thought out pieces of writing, I give him props for doing this in every single one of his posts.  Another person who has well written blog posts is DJ he shows how to be funny and stay on topic at the same time and I commend him for being such a good writer.

             Mike's blog :

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Art of Eatting On the Run

For my digital storytelling project I decided to take an unconventional route with the whole time management prospective.  Instead of doing the normal “oh how to study” stuff, I’m taking it to the hunger level.  I thought outside the box and was thinking how people change their eating habits once they get a new job or enter college.  Because all I see now a days is kids eating on the go, juggling everything like there phone a drink and a large something or other.  I wanted to see what makes people become like this, since eating is one of the most important things you can do in your life, why do we feel the need not eat when we should?

I will be making a survey to hand out to only a couple of the people I will be interview.  Some of the questions are: why do you feel in college or work that we never have time to eat healthy or eat at all for that?  Another question I came up with is what are some of the foods that you mainly depend on in your life, and what do you think you could change with your eating habits and scheduling time for eating healthy?  I think the fact that people never think about how not eating or eating on the run effects your life, because people only eat small meals on the run because that is all they could hold in their arms.  If people started to become or aware of what they put in their body and how much it took to eat a decent meal, there wouldn’t be as many fast food restaurants all over the place.

Theres a first time for everything

 An event that I attended at Southern Connecticut State University over the first month of being a student there was the nationally televised football game against American International College.  The tailgating before the game was really fun, I went with a couple of my friends and my girlfriend.  The best part of the game besides Southern Connecticut State University winning was all the free food, and fun games.  The fried dough was really good, along with the rest of the food.  We got to the game a little earlier to get good seats at the 50-yard line right in the middle of the stands.  It was a really fun experience for me attending my first official college game. 

            In the first quarter nothing really happened until the last 4 minutes where Southern Connecticut State University scored the first touchdown of the game.  From then on out we just led the game in every single aspect, running, passing, and scoring.  I give credit to AIC for putting up a good fight even though our offense and defense are way better than theirs, seeing as we put up 28 points on the board.  I think our offense line was the best part of the game last night; making clean cut concise passes to the wide receivers and scoring the touchdowns.  We played a great game and so did AIC, but the owls came out on top moving their record to 1-1 in the NE -10.  It was a great experience to actually go to my first official college football game.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Lifesytles of the extreme and dangerous,

The two blogs that I found very interesting were the snowboarding blog and the blog about ultimate Frisbee.  These two sports are very near and dear to my heart.  They both express many good points about the sports and how to get involved with each one.  I loved the videos in the snowboarding blog because they were all homemade, and average snowboarders like myself did all the stunts.  The Frisbee blog had lots of information on the game and how to start playing, it could be very informative for someone who would like to start playing. 
 The snowboarding blog was my favorite out of the two.  Just because they had many videos on tricks and different spots that would be awesome to snowboard on.  This blog also has videos for beginners, to help with starting out; getting the right board and bindings for your snowboarding needs.  This blog also has a collection boards that were available on other website to buy, and just some boards that people in the video own.  I really enjoyed reading over the different areas and terrains that they had been to such snowboarding off of a helicopter in the Mecca of Canada.  

 The ultimate Frisbee blog was very informative on the matter of how to play, the rules of the game and different kinds of discs they used.  I enjoyed how they combined their love for the sport and made a blog about how much they enjoy playing not only for the sport of it but just throwing a disc in the yard.  It made me think that Frisbee is more than just a sport to some people it is part of their daily lives just like other things are to us.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time management an art or a game?

I struggle with time management all the time, whether it’s finding time to do homework or even finding time to shower and brush my teeth during the day.  But my most recent struggle with time management was in my inquiry class and with my exercise science class.  I had a project due the same day as my clinical hours had to be done, I didn’t know how I was going to do the 2 tasks while juggling the rest of my life.  I found it very difficult adjusting to this new schedule in my life, I have to get used to doing work weeks ahead of when they are due instead of my high school mindset were I started them 2 nights before they were due.  It is something that takes time to get used to and hopefully I will be better with juggling tasks by the end of my 1st semester.

             Another struggle I have been up against was finding time to spend time with my family, girlfriend, and my puppy.  Everyone is very supportive of the goals I want to reach especially my girlfriend.  I have to get adjusted with not seeing my family all the time, and having to actually see when I’m available to take my puppy for a walk around the block.  This new life is a whole time struggle in itself, classes can overlap or walking from class to class (maybe I should dig out my old skateboard to make trips faster.)  I have to figure out the priorities in my life before I can do anything else, that I believe will be the biggest problem, but I believe it will all work itself out in the end. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Major Decision

            I chose a very unique major to go into, I have always been in love with sports, and helping people.  So I thought why not combine the two things and go into athletic training as my major.  It requires not only a lot of classroom time, but also a lot of hands on clinical hours in the athletic training room helping students with their injuries.  It will be a challenge to see if I can make it seeing as this specific program is one of the most prestigious in the in the region.  Tough but fun this major has many advantages along with some disadvantages.  I have to stay with a 2.7 gpa or I will dropped from the program.  On the other hand sports teams will start to offer full time jobs by the end of my senior year ready for work. 

            I am competing against 53 other students for 15 spots into the athletic training program at Southern Connecticut State University.  No one said it was going to be easy, no one said I was going to make it.  I have to believe I will make it, and then make it happen for my self.  People said they could see me as a teacher in a school, I thought so too.  I would like paid vacations and summers off to relax.  Life isn’t all about relaxing and sometimes you have to go down the path less traveled to be a successful person in this life.  That’s why I chose athletic training as my major, its tough but I know I can get through it and succeed in life.

outcasts with a purpose

Seeing as I didn’t get the chance to see the author of outcasts united because of a class, I will speak about how this book relates to what we are learning about in class. Recently in the group project we did, one of the words that my group had selected was community. Just like at Southern Connecticut State University where there is a wide and diverse community, the town of Clarkston, Georgia has a very vast community of people living in it. We are very unique in the people that populate Southern Connecticut State University, with all different races, and lifestyles there could never be a dull moment on campus. The refugees make Clarkston, Georgia their home and they make it very unique with the one thing they all have in common which is soccer. We are all from different towns and states, they are from different countries and they come together to play soccer, we come together to further our learn experience and better our lives. Many other things that we have done with this group project recently relates to the book also. Working together, to complete the task at hand. The refugees came together to play soccer, learn about the American culture, and have fun doing what they loved doing. Even though it was hard for them in the beginning to get adjusted to a whole new place they eventually got used to it. Just like in our case we are in a new place, and we have to get used to the new people around us, we are in the new area and we have to get used to not seeing our parents as much and learning to do things on our own, just as the refugees did.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Multitasking is a life skill

The article Debunking The Myth of Multitasking really intrigued me, because i am a "Multitasker" at heart.  I love to do things at the same time, listen to music and do homework, or run and text.  I am more of a “background multitasker” which means doing one task, and subconsciously doing another one.  Such as watching television and texting or eating.  This article affects me on a personal level because I tend to do these kinds of things a lot.  As I’m writing this article, I’m on facebook, texting on my phone (which I shouldn’t being doing.) because it was what I have learned to do over a period of years of having this technology at the ready.  In my opinion adults tend to switch tasks during the day which would make them switchtaskers.  Kids in my opinion tend to do more things at once such as me, juggle texting with homework, and food.  I have always been told never to juggle my tasks all at once, but I seem to get a lot more done that way.  Even if the experts say its not good for you I do my best work under pressure and while I am doing lots of tasks late at night and at the crack of dawn.  This article in my opinion is biased because I don’t feel that everyone is like the people they say in the article, they needed to do more extensive in their theories and in the way they judge certain people. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A race to find a perfect parking space

Finding a parking space in the commuter parking lot is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Always a task in itself to search far and wide, just as a lion would search the African plain for its prey. The early bird always catches the worm, but in this case the parking space. Everyday it’s a constant struggle to get a parking space, but there is always the one person who is leaving when you are pulling in and you catch a break. Even though it has only been a week I have had to drive all the way around SCSU 4 times to find a simple parking space. Who would have thought something this simple would be this difficult. Chasing other students to their cars is like a owl on the prowl at night. This struggle makes me think why didn’t I just live on campus in the first place. I am not a morning person, so therefore I wished I lived on campus instead of having to drive 30 minutes in rush hour traffic in the middle of new haven. Then having to drive around like chicken with its head cut off trying to find a simple parking space before class starts. like I said before, its has only been a week and guessing by what has happened so far, the worst is yet to come with the constant battle of the commuter parking lots and there ever so tiny parking spaces.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Me in a nutshell

 I love making people laugh, its who I am.  If I can crack a joke it will be done, no matter how funny or stupid it is, a joke will be made.  I'm not that good at telling jokes so people don't really think i'm funny, but i still think I am.  I come from a family of "goof off's" and punch line ender's.  No matter the situation I will always try and lighten the mood, no matter how awkward or serious the situation is.

 When I put my mind to something, I will not stop until it's done and completed to my level of work.  Community service, school projects, or even life guarding, when something needs to get done I am usually the first one to step up and say "lets get it done now."  I have always been this way and I do not plan on changing, people say it is good to be a hard worker and some people say it is bad, personally I do not care as long as the work gets done. 

 From T-ball to ending my high school wrestling career, I have always been into sports and being really competitive.  No one likes it about me, I am always trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else.  Whether it's who can drink the glass of water faster or who can get to this place faster, I am always the one challenging my self. You can call me a one-upper in some instances but in other instances I just want to beat everyone else and prove myself better.

 On the other hand, I can watch a sappy movie and end up crying at the end.  I have been told by many people that I can be a push over, but sometimes I enjoy helping people with the problems in their life.  I am a good listener and very good at giving advice, but I do not follow my own advice which everyone says it odd.  I can talk people out of things they shouldn't be doing or I can talk someone into something that I think will better their own life.  In the end I do things for people just for the pure joy of doing them, not for a reward. My reward is making people smile.

In my eyes music is more than a hobby or a job. The music I play, write and listen to is way more than just music to me.  I find a small joy every time I finish a verse in a song or find a new band or artist to listen to.  I have only written a couple of corny songs; about love, my dog, and my friends.  They will probably never be big, but if I can convince one person to listen to one of my songs and actually enjoy it, that would make my day right there.  I have never played in front of a crowd. Just sitting around a camp fire, or in my room, strumming to a beat and magically making music.                            

Thursday, September 2, 2010

college is my life

            College to me is one big adventure it changes everyday just like life.   Some day’s classes can be slow and you just want to get out, or they can be the best part of your day. Even though I am only a freshman and only a commuter I am beginning to see how a college student really operates.  College to some people is a place to party harder than ever before.  To other people it is a place to start life and become a soccer mom or an accountant or a garbage man. Going to college is like starting a new chapter in your life, you finished the high school book and it is done and published, college is told by some to be the best (hopefully) 4 years of your life.              
                What I want to get out of Southern Connecticut State University is a great education, a great experience with new people, and to have an awesome social life.  To also get a degree in what I want to become which is an athletic trainer.   I want to learn and have a great time at the same time.  Even though I have to commute I don’t think it will be as bad as some people say it is.  All I want is a basic college life, going to parties, cramming at the last minute for an exam, and have some crazy experiences in between, as normal as that may sound that’s who I am and that’s what I want to do in school, after I graduate and grow up.