Friday, September 3, 2010

Me in a nutshell

 I love making people laugh, its who I am.  If I can crack a joke it will be done, no matter how funny or stupid it is, a joke will be made.  I'm not that good at telling jokes so people don't really think i'm funny, but i still think I am.  I come from a family of "goof off's" and punch line ender's.  No matter the situation I will always try and lighten the mood, no matter how awkward or serious the situation is.

 When I put my mind to something, I will not stop until it's done and completed to my level of work.  Community service, school projects, or even life guarding, when something needs to get done I am usually the first one to step up and say "lets get it done now."  I have always been this way and I do not plan on changing, people say it is good to be a hard worker and some people say it is bad, personally I do not care as long as the work gets done. 

 From T-ball to ending my high school wrestling career, I have always been into sports and being really competitive.  No one likes it about me, I am always trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else.  Whether it's who can drink the glass of water faster or who can get to this place faster, I am always the one challenging my self. You can call me a one-upper in some instances but in other instances I just want to beat everyone else and prove myself better.

 On the other hand, I can watch a sappy movie and end up crying at the end.  I have been told by many people that I can be a push over, but sometimes I enjoy helping people with the problems in their life.  I am a good listener and very good at giving advice, but I do not follow my own advice which everyone says it odd.  I can talk people out of things they shouldn't be doing or I can talk someone into something that I think will better their own life.  In the end I do things for people just for the pure joy of doing them, not for a reward. My reward is making people smile.

In my eyes music is more than a hobby or a job. The music I play, write and listen to is way more than just music to me.  I find a small joy every time I finish a verse in a song or find a new band or artist to listen to.  I have only written a couple of corny songs; about love, my dog, and my friends.  They will probably never be big, but if I can convince one person to listen to one of my songs and actually enjoy it, that would make my day right there.  I have never played in front of a crowd. Just sitting around a camp fire, or in my room, strumming to a beat and magically making music.                            

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