Thursday, September 2, 2010

college is my life

            College to me is one big adventure it changes everyday just like life.   Some day’s classes can be slow and you just want to get out, or they can be the best part of your day. Even though I am only a freshman and only a commuter I am beginning to see how a college student really operates.  College to some people is a place to party harder than ever before.  To other people it is a place to start life and become a soccer mom or an accountant or a garbage man. Going to college is like starting a new chapter in your life, you finished the high school book and it is done and published, college is told by some to be the best (hopefully) 4 years of your life.              
                What I want to get out of Southern Connecticut State University is a great education, a great experience with new people, and to have an awesome social life.  To also get a degree in what I want to become which is an athletic trainer.   I want to learn and have a great time at the same time.  Even though I have to commute I don’t think it will be as bad as some people say it is.  All I want is a basic college life, going to parties, cramming at the last minute for an exam, and have some crazy experiences in between, as normal as that may sound that’s who I am and that’s what I want to do in school, after I graduate and grow up.

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