Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A race to find a perfect parking space

Finding a parking space in the commuter parking lot is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Always a task in itself to search far and wide, just as a lion would search the African plain for its prey. The early bird always catches the worm, but in this case the parking space. Everyday it’s a constant struggle to get a parking space, but there is always the one person who is leaving when you are pulling in and you catch a break. Even though it has only been a week I have had to drive all the way around SCSU 4 times to find a simple parking space. Who would have thought something this simple would be this difficult. Chasing other students to their cars is like a owl on the prowl at night. This struggle makes me think why didn’t I just live on campus in the first place. I am not a morning person, so therefore I wished I lived on campus instead of having to drive 30 minutes in rush hour traffic in the middle of new haven. Then having to drive around like chicken with its head cut off trying to find a simple parking space before class starts. like I said before, its has only been a week and guessing by what has happened so far, the worst is yet to come with the constant battle of the commuter parking lots and there ever so tiny parking spaces.

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain for this one man. I learned early on that I need to get to the parking lot early and the parking garage even earlier.
