Thursday, September 9, 2010

Multitasking is a life skill

The article Debunking The Myth of Multitasking really intrigued me, because i am a "Multitasker" at heart.  I love to do things at the same time, listen to music and do homework, or run and text.  I am more of a “background multitasker” which means doing one task, and subconsciously doing another one.  Such as watching television and texting or eating.  This article affects me on a personal level because I tend to do these kinds of things a lot.  As I’m writing this article, I’m on facebook, texting on my phone (which I shouldn’t being doing.) because it was what I have learned to do over a period of years of having this technology at the ready.  In my opinion adults tend to switch tasks during the day which would make them switchtaskers.  Kids in my opinion tend to do more things at once such as me, juggle texting with homework, and food.  I have always been told never to juggle my tasks all at once, but I seem to get a lot more done that way.  Even if the experts say its not good for you I do my best work under pressure and while I am doing lots of tasks late at night and at the crack of dawn.  This article in my opinion is biased because I don’t feel that everyone is like the people they say in the article, they needed to do more extensive in their theories and in the way they judge certain people. 

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't the article cite its research? Just because it doesn't seem to be te same as your personal experience, does that make the research biased? Could you be the "outlier" in this research or do you think your generation has learned to master multitasking in a way that the people in this research had not yet done?
