Sunday, November 21, 2010

follow the leader

Before I aged out and became a leader I was in the boy scouts.  Yeah, yeah everyone make their jokes, but in all seriousness being in the boy scouts gave me many opportunities to show off my skills of being a leader.  Many experiences stood out in my mind but this one example just stuck with me.  We were hiking the appliachian trail a couple years back, my leaders were in the back letting the kids lead.  It started to become dark out and we still had not arrived to our campsite yet.  So we stopped on the trail to check the map.  We were 4 miles away from destination because we had taken the wrong trail, by this time most people would give up and sleep there for the  night, not me I took charge with my flashlight ahead of the group down the trail hanging glow sticks on the trees with the trail markers so we could make it back to camp. 

            We had finally arrived at camp around 11 oclock at night, everyone had thanked me for doing this because if someone did go ahead of the group to get back on the trail to find the markers we would have been lost until morning.  I thanked god espcically that night for not giving me horrible eyesight unlike my dad.  This may seem stupid to some people but this is what changed me as a person in the outdoors to always plan ahead and pay attention to key things in the nature. 

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