Friday, December 10, 2010

Ups and Downs

I have had lots of ups and down this semester regarding my schoolwork and just school activities in general.  I have lots of trouble in the beginning adjusting to the college workload and the college classes.  But once the semester got going I felt it got easier as it went.  My first big battle of the semester was getting the campus safaris done and handed in on time.  Weeks would come and go and I steadily got the hang of doing them.  Some other big problems I had were getting my student interviews done in my exercise science 184 class.  They were extremely difficult because no one would tell us when the teams had practices with the athletic training students (ATS) or when they had games and no one had practices. 

To also go along with the AT stuff the students we interviewed didn’t really want to help us out because we asked the same questions over and over again because it was the same interview that our professor made us do twenty times.  Then after a while I became friends with a couple of the ATS and I got to learn their practices schedules with the teams they helped with.  After the first week I had lots of successes with parking and getting good spots in the parking lots closes to the campus or even in the parking garage.  Every first year college student has a lot of ups and downs, I felt I was just going with the flow, getting stressed out over the same exams and stuff like that.  

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