Friday, December 10, 2010

Goals, Goals, and more Goals..

Some of my big goals for next semester are to get into the athletic training program at Southern Connecticut State University, which would be a huge load off of my shoulders.  That is probably my biggest academic goal for next semester, but other ones like keep my gpa up and do well which are always goals for me.  Some of my social goals for next semester are to try and make more friends on campus, I know I have made a couple this semester but I want to make a lot more.  I want to go out more to downtown New Haven and get used to being in New Haven because seeing as I don’t want to live on campus because it is really boring I can save my money for a place some where near there so I can stop bugging my parents at home.    

 Some of my personal goals is to just be a happier person in general, I know I an be a grouch when I want to be or be really annoying according to some people…  but I want to change that so people can see me as a better person than they already know me by.  I want to get a job other than lifeguarding and being a camp counselor because I have done that for way to long and it is time to do something new and exciting with my boring life.  As this semster wraps up and winter break comes, my goal for winter is to snowboard as much as possible.  It relaxes me to no end and I just feel at one with myself when I am in the back country of VT. 

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