Saturday, December 4, 2010

One Day..

My ideal life after college after college is simple; hopefully use the degree I got at Southern Connecticut State University to further and better my life by getting a job in the area I was taught in.   I would also like to get my own place with my dog and my girlfriend and finally start my adult life.  I would like to be making enough money from my job to have the car of my dreams and hopefully have enough to pay for other necessities in my life.    But the one thing I really want is to truly be happy doing what I do every day, wake up with a smile on my face and go to bed with a smile on my face.  I want to make a good amount of money, get through the tough years after college happy and satisfied that my college education actually paid off in the long run.

Eventually I want to move away from the city/rural area and move down south.  I have always wanted to live in North Carolina on the shore and on a beach and relax with my family every day.  But I know it will take a long time, but for now I am sticking with all I want is to be happy with everything in my life after college with the people that make me happy to be alive.  I want to be a normal average Joe and live my life like everyone else after college, pay off loans and live on coffee and fast food just like we all did in college.

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