Friday, October 29, 2010

mah grades

As I reflect on my midterm grades as a whole, I thought to myself how did I do this well, I didn’t think that I had done this in my first half of my first semester my freshman year.  All my grades are decent and enough to keep my parents happy for the time being.  My inquiry grade I was surprised about because I didn’t think I had done that well, or had remembered to do some of the assignments to get the grade that I had received.  I am very proud of myself for putting my nose to the grindstone and working my butt off and not wasting time like I did in high school.  I have learned how to study like a college student should and I guess it paid off in the long run.

   My grades for my other classes are quiet impressive for my history of grades.  My exercise science grade was a b- I thought I at least had a c- or a d+ because I thought I didn’t know how to do anything in that class.  I enjoy history a lot so there was so surprise that I actually did well and aced the midterm like I had hoped to.  My math grade was a little less than what I had expected but over all my grades reflected on how much work I put forth to do well and I think that is an accomplishment in itself.  I couldn’t have got this far without out help from my friends and parents so I have to thank them to for all the support.     

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