Saturday, October 9, 2010

is there such thing as a perfect post?

There are many different components you need in your blog post to make it “good”, many of which mine don’t posses but I see in fellow students blog post’s.  Such as clarity, every good post should have clarity in it to describe and show clearly what the person is talking about.  The topic should be interesting to drag the reader in to want to read more about what you have to say.  They should have good visuals in the post to connect something to what the readers were reading about.   The post it self should be the proper length just for the sake of doing the right amount for the professor. 

In my opinion the most important part to making a good blog post is the clarity of the subject you are talking about to the audience.  If it isn’t fluent and clear the reader will either get bored reading it really fast or just exit out of the page because you make no sense.  It’s true if I read someone’s post and I can’t understand what im reading, seya later I just exit out and move on.  I know its rude but I like to be able to comprehend what I read instead of being confused the entire time.  Mike’s blog shows good examples of what blog posts should look like.  They are well structured and thought out pieces of writing, I give him props for doing this in every single one of his posts.  Another person who has well written blog posts is DJ he shows how to be funny and stay on topic at the same time and I commend him for being such a good writer.

             Mike's blog :

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