Saturday, October 30, 2010

outta my shell

            Something I have done that was out of the ordinary or different for me during the week was something that I hadn’t done since last summer.  I hadn’t slept in my own bed since the beginning of summer 2009. Since I had moved in to our new house I had slept on the pull out sofa bed for the entire year since this week.  It was different for me because I had been used to sleeping on a crappy queen pull out sofa instead of my twin-sized bed.  I had enjoyed being back in my own bed, instead of sleeping down stairs all the time.  The only perk of sleeping on the pullout couch was I got to hangout with Marley (my dog) all the time.  Sometimes he would jump up onto the bed and fall asleep he would take up more room on the bed then I would and he is only a 6-month-old puppy.   

            It was different to finally sleep in my own bed after a year but I like it a lot more than sleeping down stairs, with that backbreaking mattress.  I felt like it I had been so much longer than it already has been.  I am promised a bigger bed since my feet hang over half a foot on the twin sized one.  We are finally finished “moving in” to our house so now I can finally have some peace and quiet in my own room.  This own experience had changed me a little bit but I am happy that everything is back to normal.

Friday, October 29, 2010

mah grades

As I reflect on my midterm grades as a whole, I thought to myself how did I do this well, I didn’t think that I had done this in my first half of my first semester my freshman year.  All my grades are decent and enough to keep my parents happy for the time being.  My inquiry grade I was surprised about because I didn’t think I had done that well, or had remembered to do some of the assignments to get the grade that I had received.  I am very proud of myself for putting my nose to the grindstone and working my butt off and not wasting time like I did in high school.  I have learned how to study like a college student should and I guess it paid off in the long run.

   My grades for my other classes are quiet impressive for my history of grades.  My exercise science grade was a b- I thought I at least had a c- or a d+ because I thought I didn’t know how to do anything in that class.  I enjoy history a lot so there was so surprise that I actually did well and aced the midterm like I had hoped to.  My math grade was a little less than what I had expected but over all my grades reflected on how much work I put forth to do well and I think that is an accomplishment in itself.  I couldn’t have got this far without out help from my friends and parents so I have to thank them to for all the support.     

Saturday, October 23, 2010

fake GPA's

            When I read over the articles for this week’s class the one about grade inflation really stuck out in my mind.  I don’t think this is a good idea, I believe it is cheating to add points to your students overall gpa’s.  It is just wrong for some colleges and schools to do it but not all.  Just because they want to put their students ahead of the game isn’t fair to the rest of us who don’t get that advantage and have to compete with schools like that.  This means for us competing with those students for the same jobs we have to do extra well just to get slightly ahead of their game when they already do not have to anything to improve it.  It is an unfair advantage just because they can pay to go there doesn’t mean that they deserve to receive higher grades than normal students.

If this is implemented in some schools it should be implemented in all schools. Just because you pay a higher tuition doesn’t mean you can cheat your way into the work force.  This will also make the students think that they don’t need o work as hard as they did.  Just because they will automatically get higher grades so they wont have the intuition to work as hard as they did.  It makes the students become lazier.  This will in turn make it seem like they don’t have to go to class to earn better grades so they will have no motivation to want to learn more and better themselves.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

my video word up

This is my video on Time management in food, its not great quality and some of the shots are off, but i think it came out pretty good.  Took me a long time to do but the topic was very interesting and i thank all of my friends that helped me make this epic video

Saturday, October 16, 2010

My life

            So a free topic once again, well I sat around for about an hour not being able to think about a topic to write about because it’s a Saturday and I should have done this earlier in the week but that’s not the point.  I finally figured about what to write, so I’m going to talk about snowboarding this winter.  I can’t wait to finally get back on my board; it has been way to long.  I can’t wait for the snow, the fun car rides, and all the sick videos I am going to make this winter.  My board has been collecting dust, I just want to get back on and ride down the mountain headphones plugged in being that annoying snowboarder that all the skiers hate with a passion.  There is nothing better than getting up at 5 on a Saturday driving 4 hrs to okemo in VT to snowboard all day that’s just the best it gets, and im not being sarcastic.  During the winter this is what I live for, if its Mt Southington or Mt Snow in Vermont a mountain is a mountain and I don’t care. 
    I have been snowboarding all my life, and do not plan to stop any time soon.  If I went to Costal Carolina for school I wouldn’t get to do what I live for during the winter.  I will one of those dads who will buy their kids their first boards, and teach them how to board.  My dad skis but he some how taught me how to snowboard in one day.  So yeah that’s my rant on snowboarding, its been my one true passion I have done all my life, and I don’t think I could ever stop its just so fun.

lee is legit!

Our new peer mentor lee is awesome.  I enjoy the way that she tries to get us more involved in the campus with fun activities like the free hug campaign.  She is very personable, even though she is an upper class man she relates to us as freshman with many experiences that we will have in our future.  Her techniques to help us out with life work very well with the different exercises she has done with us in only the 15 minutes in the beginning of class.  I liked the activity we did when we had to chose the most important people in our lives, it made me think about who was important and it made me think on what would I do if I had to jump off a cliff and only save 1 person.  I also liked the laughing exercise.  I did not take it seriously in the beginning but after we all had a good laugh it made me feel happier inside. 

            I am glad we finally were given a peer mentor to ask our questions to.  Its like asking another freshman with a lot of experience on what to do with our lives.  In the beginning I didn’t really care if we got a peer mentor or not because I am just one of those people that don’t care every much for students who feel like talking in circles about are lives and crying it out.  Lee is really cool she is like one of us; chill relaxed just wants to be a college student.  I am glad she is our peer mentor and I can’t wait what she has in store for us for the future.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

History teacher or Athletic Trainer, its life..

I have wanted to be so many different things in my life I lost track after construction worker in 2nd grade.  These past few years I have thought about becoming a history teacher, because I had always been interested in all the wars and changes that Europe and America went through.  I have thought I could be a high school history teacher, teach about the civil war, world war I, world war II, Vietnam, Korea, The Gulf War and now the war that’s going on in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I had thought about this for months.  Then I started to shy away from history and into Athletic Training.  It was on the list for Southern Connecticut State University major choices.  I went out on a limb and said sure I will try it.  I had loved wrestling in high school, and in general sports all my life.  When I became injured the middle of my junior year it killed me to know I could never wrestle again.

 I went through rehab and all the pain of rehab with countless athletic trainers seeing how nice and mean they were to me at different times.  Those memories sparked my interest to go into that major because I love sports and I love helping people when they are injured and the whole medical aspect of the sport.  Now in my freshman year I have to decide within the next couple of years what I want to do with my life.  To become a history teacher for a high school get summers off and winter breaks or become an athletic trainer and help out people with their injuries on the road back to recovery.  I honestly have no idea what to do.  I am not a man with a plan so this is going to take a while to decide

is there such thing as a perfect post?

There are many different components you need in your blog post to make it “good”, many of which mine don’t posses but I see in fellow students blog post’s.  Such as clarity, every good post should have clarity in it to describe and show clearly what the person is talking about.  The topic should be interesting to drag the reader in to want to read more about what you have to say.  They should have good visuals in the post to connect something to what the readers were reading about.   The post it self should be the proper length just for the sake of doing the right amount for the professor. 

In my opinion the most important part to making a good blog post is the clarity of the subject you are talking about to the audience.  If it isn’t fluent and clear the reader will either get bored reading it really fast or just exit out of the page because you make no sense.  It’s true if I read someone’s post and I can’t understand what im reading, seya later I just exit out and move on.  I know its rude but I like to be able to comprehend what I read instead of being confused the entire time.  Mike’s blog shows good examples of what blog posts should look like.  They are well structured and thought out pieces of writing, I give him props for doing this in every single one of his posts.  Another person who has well written blog posts is DJ he shows how to be funny and stay on topic at the same time and I commend him for being such a good writer.

             Mike's blog :

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Art of Eatting On the Run

For my digital storytelling project I decided to take an unconventional route with the whole time management prospective.  Instead of doing the normal “oh how to study” stuff, I’m taking it to the hunger level.  I thought outside the box and was thinking how people change their eating habits once they get a new job or enter college.  Because all I see now a days is kids eating on the go, juggling everything like there phone a drink and a large something or other.  I wanted to see what makes people become like this, since eating is one of the most important things you can do in your life, why do we feel the need not eat when we should?

I will be making a survey to hand out to only a couple of the people I will be interview.  Some of the questions are: why do you feel in college or work that we never have time to eat healthy or eat at all for that?  Another question I came up with is what are some of the foods that you mainly depend on in your life, and what do you think you could change with your eating habits and scheduling time for eating healthy?  I think the fact that people never think about how not eating or eating on the run effects your life, because people only eat small meals on the run because that is all they could hold in their arms.  If people started to become or aware of what they put in their body and how much it took to eat a decent meal, there wouldn’t be as many fast food restaurants all over the place.

Theres a first time for everything

 An event that I attended at Southern Connecticut State University over the first month of being a student there was the nationally televised football game against American International College.  The tailgating before the game was really fun, I went with a couple of my friends and my girlfriend.  The best part of the game besides Southern Connecticut State University winning was all the free food, and fun games.  The fried dough was really good, along with the rest of the food.  We got to the game a little earlier to get good seats at the 50-yard line right in the middle of the stands.  It was a really fun experience for me attending my first official college game. 

            In the first quarter nothing really happened until the last 4 minutes where Southern Connecticut State University scored the first touchdown of the game.  From then on out we just led the game in every single aspect, running, passing, and scoring.  I give credit to AIC for putting up a good fight even though our offense and defense are way better than theirs, seeing as we put up 28 points on the board.  I think our offense line was the best part of the game last night; making clean cut concise passes to the wide receivers and scoring the touchdowns.  We played a great game and so did AIC, but the owls came out on top moving their record to 1-1 in the NE -10.  It was a great experience to actually go to my first official college football game.