Saturday, November 27, 2010

my life be like ooh ahh
This is my video so far its a little on the short side now, but i promise it will get alot better..i plan to interview all the people in my life who know me very well and can judge which job they think i would be better at.  So comment on what you like and dont like so far, i still want to ask more questions to the people i am interviewing.  post them on here if you want!

An Italian feast!

            Seeing as thanksgiving just pasted I guess I’ll talk about all the food I had on the holiday and the days after.  I went to my mom’s side for thanksgiving this year; it one huge Italian mess. We got kids screaming, dogs running around, and people giving toasts to family every 5 seconds.  Food none the less was the best part, so much great Italian cooking I couldn’t help but go up for 2nds, 3rds, and 4ths.  All the turkey we could eat, along with my grandma’s homemade meatballs and ziti, cornbread up the wahzoo, and last but not least mashed potatoes with gravy.  I didn’t know where to start there was so much food but so little time to eat it before the football game came back on.  My cousins dared me to make a sandwich out of everything that was on my plate, and if you know me pretty well I did it and ate it.  Ima champ, just sayin.

              You cant forget the best part about thanksgiving, the pie!  Mmm my family had atleast 12 different pies; from apple to canoli to pumkin and pecan we had it all.  So much pie I couldn’t stop eating until the food coma set in, so then I waited like an hour and started all over again.  That’s usally how the evening goes and you repeat the process one-three times depending on the person.  You cant get much better than a Italian family thanksgiving besides all the yelling and screaming, the dogs grabbing peoples dinners off their plates.  But its one of my favorite holidays because of the food. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

follow the leader

Before I aged out and became a leader I was in the boy scouts.  Yeah, yeah everyone make their jokes, but in all seriousness being in the boy scouts gave me many opportunities to show off my skills of being a leader.  Many experiences stood out in my mind but this one example just stuck with me.  We were hiking the appliachian trail a couple years back, my leaders were in the back letting the kids lead.  It started to become dark out and we still had not arrived to our campsite yet.  So we stopped on the trail to check the map.  We were 4 miles away from destination because we had taken the wrong trail, by this time most people would give up and sleep there for the  night, not me I took charge with my flashlight ahead of the group down the trail hanging glow sticks on the trees with the trail markers so we could make it back to camp. 

            We had finally arrived at camp around 11 oclock at night, everyone had thanked me for doing this because if someone did go ahead of the group to get back on the trail to find the markers we would have been lost until morning.  I thanked god espcically that night for not giving me horrible eyesight unlike my dad.  This may seem stupid to some people but this is what changed me as a person in the outdoors to always plan ahead and pay attention to key things in the nature. 

reasons why i pull my hair out

A difficult situation I have been in over the semester was in my exercise science classes.  We have to do interviews with the athletic training students in the program at Southern Connecticut State University and find out what they like about southern and the ATEP at Southern Connecticut State University.  These interviews are usually 25 questions long; we had to do the same questions 20 different times to 20 different students.  This wasn’t the hardest part about the assignment; the hardest part was finding the students in the athletic training rooms and on the sports fields during practice.  This was a long and difficult process to do, sometimes the athletic training rooms would be closed and no one was in them, or their practice was cancelled.
 Over the course of the semester I learned when to get to the athletic training room, and after interviewing 20 students with the same questions it got really boring.  I finally figured out when the games were for the teams to I based my trips to class and the ATR around this.  The first sport that I interviewed all the AT students in was football, there were all understanding of what we had to do because they had to do it the previous year so they knew what we had to deal with.  Next was Soccer, up early at school by 7:15 to get my interviews done that was a long and tedious process.  Finally I finished my interviews with gymnastics these guys were my favorite because all they did was joke around and have fun.  They were all great interviews in the end and I learned a lot.  

Friday, November 12, 2010

The nuts and bolts of Athletic Training

One class I feel intellectually stimulated in is my exercise science class in pelz gym.  We are just starting to get into the good stuff of athletic training all the human bio stuff I should have taken in high school if I actually thought of doing this kind of work.  All the anatomy terms interest me; learning about the different bones and muscles of the body really intrigues me.  I participate a lot in class and most of the time the answers are right, so it boosts my confidence up to know in a college class I can answer questions successfully.  Even though this class is really challenging I believe that I can make it into the program if I work very hard and complete everything on time.

My professor in this class is very funny which makes the class that more enjoyable to be in.  He tries to get us all involved; I think that’s the key to getting people to pay attention in college.  My friends in the class also make it enjoyable, they help me along since most of them are upperclassmen they guide me in the decisions I make.  My exercise science class is one of my favorite classes this semester because it is so interesting, I am surprised I am doing this well, and I always have to go back and study everything over again.  This major will not get easier from here, only harder so I have to keep my head up and do well if I want to become an athletic trainer.

off the beaten path

            Usually when I study at Southern Connecticut State University I study inside at the student center.  On occasion when the weather is nice out I like to sit outside underneath the trees in front of Englemen Hall by the quad.   It is very relaxing and there is rarely anyone else there.  Seeing as it is getting closer to winter I don’t think I will be outside as much but on nice fall day I will be out there on my laptop studying away.  It really is a hidden gem on the campus for studying not many people realize how nice Southern Connecticut State University is in the fall weather with all the fall foliage around.  Sometimes I will go outside of the student center just to sit and relax, one time there was some dude doing yoga outside of the fine arts building and he asked me if I wanted to join, I said no.
            The only down sides to this study spot is the weather and sometimes groups of people actually do come outside and sit down but they talk obnoxiously loud and it isn’t really good for studying at all.  Usually the weather cooperates with me and I can sit outside for hours on a time until my next classes.  If you haven’t sat outside and tried to study before on campus I suggest you do it!  Its fun if you get a study group together with your friends or just go out there to relax.  I recommend this spot to anyone on the campus!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

C's dont cut it

            All through out my middle school, high school, and now college career teachers have always told me if you do that work and show up to class you will get a C.  Well seeing as I have been in school for most of my life, and I have not seen one case where that is true.  It’s always something else that you have to do to get barely a passing grade.  I am not one of those people that just settles for the C or the D because I like pushing myself in my classes. But from friends who have done nothing but the bare minimum have gotten away with a D-.  Why do teachers promise us middle level grades for mid level work but then almost flunk us?  Its like they don’t tell us everything that we needed to do to do well. 

            If I just showed up and did the work for some of my classes in high school I wouldn’t be in college at this point because some teachers just like to work us over, and in turn we hate those teachers.  But I have finally figured out that the teachers that pushed us to no end actually helped us more.  They showed us that college is a step up and that we needed to be prepared for it.  So for that I thank my Senior year expository writing teacher ms. Feely, because she pushed me to the point where I wanted to just give up in that class.  Even though she will be alone for the rest of her life because she is so mean and heartless I thank her 

maybe i should have ran track in high school...

            When I want to relieve stress the one thing I can always count on is running.  This always has seemed to work for me very well.  No matter the conditions out side I will always make time to go for a run and get everything off my mind.  Usually I go for 2 or 3 miles when I go because that has been the norm for me throughout high school.  Even though I did not do track or cross country I always found myself running around places when I didn’t have a car.  Its very relaxing if you go at night because there are not a lot of cars to worry about on the road and at this time of year you fill your lungs up with that crisp cold fall air.  Listening to music helps me running because I can stay with the beat or pace myself, whether it’s metal, hip-hop or even rock. 

Running along with being a stress reliever keeps me in shape for the up coming months of doing nothing but eating lots of food and being lazy on the couch.  It always seems to help if I have something on my mind that I’ve been thinking about for a while.  I really don’t know what it is that I love so much about it, I always feel accomplished after a run because it gives me pride to know that there is something that I know I can do in my life that no one else can tell me how to do.  In the end I know if I ran well il come home and pass out on the couch downstairs, if you guys haven’t found something that suits you with controlling stress levels I suggest running its worked for me for a very long time.