Friday, September 24, 2010

Lifesytles of the extreme and dangerous,

The two blogs that I found very interesting were the snowboarding blog and the blog about ultimate Frisbee.  These two sports are very near and dear to my heart.  They both express many good points about the sports and how to get involved with each one.  I loved the videos in the snowboarding blog because they were all homemade, and average snowboarders like myself did all the stunts.  The Frisbee blog had lots of information on the game and how to start playing, it could be very informative for someone who would like to start playing. 
 The snowboarding blog was my favorite out of the two.  Just because they had many videos on tricks and different spots that would be awesome to snowboard on.  This blog also has videos for beginners, to help with starting out; getting the right board and bindings for your snowboarding needs.  This blog also has a collection boards that were available on other website to buy, and just some boards that people in the video own.  I really enjoyed reading over the different areas and terrains that they had been to such snowboarding off of a helicopter in the Mecca of Canada.  

 The ultimate Frisbee blog was very informative on the matter of how to play, the rules of the game and different kinds of discs they used.  I enjoyed how they combined their love for the sport and made a blog about how much they enjoy playing not only for the sport of it but just throwing a disc in the yard.  It made me think that Frisbee is more than just a sport to some people it is part of their daily lives just like other things are to us.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Time management an art or a game?

I struggle with time management all the time, whether it’s finding time to do homework or even finding time to shower and brush my teeth during the day.  But my most recent struggle with time management was in my inquiry class and with my exercise science class.  I had a project due the same day as my clinical hours had to be done, I didn’t know how I was going to do the 2 tasks while juggling the rest of my life.  I found it very difficult adjusting to this new schedule in my life, I have to get used to doing work weeks ahead of when they are due instead of my high school mindset were I started them 2 nights before they were due.  It is something that takes time to get used to and hopefully I will be better with juggling tasks by the end of my 1st semester.

             Another struggle I have been up against was finding time to spend time with my family, girlfriend, and my puppy.  Everyone is very supportive of the goals I want to reach especially my girlfriend.  I have to get adjusted with not seeing my family all the time, and having to actually see when I’m available to take my puppy for a walk around the block.  This new life is a whole time struggle in itself, classes can overlap or walking from class to class (maybe I should dig out my old skateboard to make trips faster.)  I have to figure out the priorities in my life before I can do anything else, that I believe will be the biggest problem, but I believe it will all work itself out in the end. 

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Major Decision

            I chose a very unique major to go into, I have always been in love with sports, and helping people.  So I thought why not combine the two things and go into athletic training as my major.  It requires not only a lot of classroom time, but also a lot of hands on clinical hours in the athletic training room helping students with their injuries.  It will be a challenge to see if I can make it seeing as this specific program is one of the most prestigious in the in the region.  Tough but fun this major has many advantages along with some disadvantages.  I have to stay with a 2.7 gpa or I will dropped from the program.  On the other hand sports teams will start to offer full time jobs by the end of my senior year ready for work. 

            I am competing against 53 other students for 15 spots into the athletic training program at Southern Connecticut State University.  No one said it was going to be easy, no one said I was going to make it.  I have to believe I will make it, and then make it happen for my self.  People said they could see me as a teacher in a school, I thought so too.  I would like paid vacations and summers off to relax.  Life isn’t all about relaxing and sometimes you have to go down the path less traveled to be a successful person in this life.  That’s why I chose athletic training as my major, its tough but I know I can get through it and succeed in life.

outcasts with a purpose

Seeing as I didn’t get the chance to see the author of outcasts united because of a class, I will speak about how this book relates to what we are learning about in class. Recently in the group project we did, one of the words that my group had selected was community. Just like at Southern Connecticut State University where there is a wide and diverse community, the town of Clarkston, Georgia has a very vast community of people living in it. We are very unique in the people that populate Southern Connecticut State University, with all different races, and lifestyles there could never be a dull moment on campus. The refugees make Clarkston, Georgia their home and they make it very unique with the one thing they all have in common which is soccer. We are all from different towns and states, they are from different countries and they come together to play soccer, we come together to further our learn experience and better our lives. Many other things that we have done with this group project recently relates to the book also. Working together, to complete the task at hand. The refugees came together to play soccer, learn about the American culture, and have fun doing what they loved doing. Even though it was hard for them in the beginning to get adjusted to a whole new place they eventually got used to it. Just like in our case we are in a new place, and we have to get used to the new people around us, we are in the new area and we have to get used to not seeing our parents as much and learning to do things on our own, just as the refugees did.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Multitasking is a life skill

The article Debunking The Myth of Multitasking really intrigued me, because i am a "Multitasker" at heart.  I love to do things at the same time, listen to music and do homework, or run and text.  I am more of a “background multitasker” which means doing one task, and subconsciously doing another one.  Such as watching television and texting or eating.  This article affects me on a personal level because I tend to do these kinds of things a lot.  As I’m writing this article, I’m on facebook, texting on my phone (which I shouldn’t being doing.) because it was what I have learned to do over a period of years of having this technology at the ready.  In my opinion adults tend to switch tasks during the day which would make them switchtaskers.  Kids in my opinion tend to do more things at once such as me, juggle texting with homework, and food.  I have always been told never to juggle my tasks all at once, but I seem to get a lot more done that way.  Even if the experts say its not good for you I do my best work under pressure and while I am doing lots of tasks late at night and at the crack of dawn.  This article in my opinion is biased because I don’t feel that everyone is like the people they say in the article, they needed to do more extensive in their theories and in the way they judge certain people. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A race to find a perfect parking space

Finding a parking space in the commuter parking lot is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Always a task in itself to search far and wide, just as a lion would search the African plain for its prey. The early bird always catches the worm, but in this case the parking space. Everyday it’s a constant struggle to get a parking space, but there is always the one person who is leaving when you are pulling in and you catch a break. Even though it has only been a week I have had to drive all the way around SCSU 4 times to find a simple parking space. Who would have thought something this simple would be this difficult. Chasing other students to their cars is like a owl on the prowl at night. This struggle makes me think why didn’t I just live on campus in the first place. I am not a morning person, so therefore I wished I lived on campus instead of having to drive 30 minutes in rush hour traffic in the middle of new haven. Then having to drive around like chicken with its head cut off trying to find a simple parking space before class starts. like I said before, its has only been a week and guessing by what has happened so far, the worst is yet to come with the constant battle of the commuter parking lots and there ever so tiny parking spaces.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Me in a nutshell

 I love making people laugh, its who I am.  If I can crack a joke it will be done, no matter how funny or stupid it is, a joke will be made.  I'm not that good at telling jokes so people don't really think i'm funny, but i still think I am.  I come from a family of "goof off's" and punch line ender's.  No matter the situation I will always try and lighten the mood, no matter how awkward or serious the situation is.

 When I put my mind to something, I will not stop until it's done and completed to my level of work.  Community service, school projects, or even life guarding, when something needs to get done I am usually the first one to step up and say "lets get it done now."  I have always been this way and I do not plan on changing, people say it is good to be a hard worker and some people say it is bad, personally I do not care as long as the work gets done. 

 From T-ball to ending my high school wrestling career, I have always been into sports and being really competitive.  No one likes it about me, I am always trying to stay one step ahead of everyone else.  Whether it's who can drink the glass of water faster or who can get to this place faster, I am always the one challenging my self. You can call me a one-upper in some instances but in other instances I just want to beat everyone else and prove myself better.

 On the other hand, I can watch a sappy movie and end up crying at the end.  I have been told by many people that I can be a push over, but sometimes I enjoy helping people with the problems in their life.  I am a good listener and very good at giving advice, but I do not follow my own advice which everyone says it odd.  I can talk people out of things they shouldn't be doing or I can talk someone into something that I think will better their own life.  In the end I do things for people just for the pure joy of doing them, not for a reward. My reward is making people smile.

In my eyes music is more than a hobby or a job. The music I play, write and listen to is way more than just music to me.  I find a small joy every time I finish a verse in a song or find a new band or artist to listen to.  I have only written a couple of corny songs; about love, my dog, and my friends.  They will probably never be big, but if I can convince one person to listen to one of my songs and actually enjoy it, that would make my day right there.  I have never played in front of a crowd. Just sitting around a camp fire, or in my room, strumming to a beat and magically making music.                            

Thursday, September 2, 2010

college is my life

            College to me is one big adventure it changes everyday just like life.   Some day’s classes can be slow and you just want to get out, or they can be the best part of your day. Even though I am only a freshman and only a commuter I am beginning to see how a college student really operates.  College to some people is a place to party harder than ever before.  To other people it is a place to start life and become a soccer mom or an accountant or a garbage man. Going to college is like starting a new chapter in your life, you finished the high school book and it is done and published, college is told by some to be the best (hopefully) 4 years of your life.              
                What I want to get out of Southern Connecticut State University is a great education, a great experience with new people, and to have an awesome social life.  To also get a degree in what I want to become which is an athletic trainer.   I want to learn and have a great time at the same time.  Even though I have to commute I don’t think it will be as bad as some people say it is.  All I want is a basic college life, going to parties, cramming at the last minute for an exam, and have some crazy experiences in between, as normal as that may sound that’s who I am and that’s what I want to do in school, after I graduate and grow up.