Friday, December 17, 2010

My Final Assessment

            Yeah I know I was the one who wanted to do the video for my final assessment but I didn’t get around to trying to make it so I settled for the paper instead.  Even before this class had started Jen had sent us out an email saying bring a campus safari and answer these questions by tomorrow for your first grades in our class.  This to me was a huge shocker to what college life was going to be all about.  But then I realized that everyone else had felt the same way.  But as the semester trudged along I realized that I started to like this class because of its stimulating conversations and discussions we had.   This class was very challenging in all perspective of the college life.
            Over this semester in inquiry I have gained a lot of confidence in speaking in front of the class such as raising my hand and answering one of Jens questions.  In high school I was the kid who didn’t talk much in every class but got by with a B or better.  I liked participating in this class because I knew no one would judge me on what I had to say.  I felt I have made progress on the college thinking level with doing so much work with inquiry and writing lots of essays in my history class.  This class also showed not to be afraid by what you stand by, argue your position on the topic and I felt I have become a lot more comfortable in doing that in a college class. 

            Even though I commute to school everyday, sometimes it is an inconvenience to do drive 20-40 minutes out of my way to get an interview done with a professor on something.  But I learned that each class has to have a separate priority slot in my life.  I took my time to do all the work in my harder classes such as my exercise science and inquiry class, but knew what I had to do and got them done quick and easy with my history and English classes.  Also in doing my midterm video on time management in food and eating healthy, I learned that a lot of people should sit down and have a proper meal more than a couple times a week.  My study habits changed significantly also, because when I was a senior I barely studied because my hardest class didn’t even require a textbook it required us taking care of our cars properly.  I learned that if I wanted to pass all of these classes I needed to study like a maniac. 
            I also believe my social life has changed a lot in many ways. I have new friends in all of my classes including inquiry.  It has been quite the experiences getting to know them all but; in the end everything was great.  From getting up at 5 o’clock to get the athletic training room for 6:15 took a lot of time and effort.  Banding together to get that surprise campus safari assignment done and handed in took hard work and friendships.  All in all I want to make more friends on campus, or maybe get an apartment down the street so I can hang out with them and not have to drive 20 minutes to see them.

             To conclude this awesome and final blog post for inquiry, I will say that blogging was a new experience for me because it is something that I have never done before.  It was weird in many ways on the topics we had to answer, or the specific reasoning behind what we had to say.  I didn’t like it at first because I just thought of it as a waste of time, or just another assignment to do for this class but I began to like talking about my family or myself and share my personal experiences on campus.  I thought this inquiry class was awesome, and I hope to see some of you guys next semester!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My final video

The final video, I had to cut it down my almost a minute because it wouldnt upload to youtube. hope you guys like it!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Goals, Goals, and more Goals..

Some of my big goals for next semester are to get into the athletic training program at Southern Connecticut State University, which would be a huge load off of my shoulders.  That is probably my biggest academic goal for next semester, but other ones like keep my gpa up and do well which are always goals for me.  Some of my social goals for next semester are to try and make more friends on campus, I know I have made a couple this semester but I want to make a lot more.  I want to go out more to downtown New Haven and get used to being in New Haven because seeing as I don’t want to live on campus because it is really boring I can save my money for a place some where near there so I can stop bugging my parents at home.    

 Some of my personal goals is to just be a happier person in general, I know I an be a grouch when I want to be or be really annoying according to some people…  but I want to change that so people can see me as a better person than they already know me by.  I want to get a job other than lifeguarding and being a camp counselor because I have done that for way to long and it is time to do something new and exciting with my boring life.  As this semster wraps up and winter break comes, my goal for winter is to snowboard as much as possible.  It relaxes me to no end and I just feel at one with myself when I am in the back country of VT. 

Ups and Downs

I have had lots of ups and down this semester regarding my schoolwork and just school activities in general.  I have lots of trouble in the beginning adjusting to the college workload and the college classes.  But once the semester got going I felt it got easier as it went.  My first big battle of the semester was getting the campus safaris done and handed in on time.  Weeks would come and go and I steadily got the hang of doing them.  Some other big problems I had were getting my student interviews done in my exercise science 184 class.  They were extremely difficult because no one would tell us when the teams had practices with the athletic training students (ATS) or when they had games and no one had practices. 

To also go along with the AT stuff the students we interviewed didn’t really want to help us out because we asked the same questions over and over again because it was the same interview that our professor made us do twenty times.  Then after a while I became friends with a couple of the ATS and I got to learn their practices schedules with the teams they helped with.  After the first week I had lots of successes with parking and getting good spots in the parking lots closes to the campus or even in the parking garage.  Every first year college student has a lot of ups and downs, I felt I was just going with the flow, getting stressed out over the same exams and stuff like that.  

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Good times, Good times

Grouping the English class and the Inquiry class was a very fun and enjoyable experience.  It made it seem like the transition to college life and getting to know new people who were just like you a lot easier and a lot less scary.  It was awesome getting to know everyone in the class, made some new friends that hopefully I will get to see around campus more after this class.  The good class discussions aka arguing over stupid stuff in Inquiry and of course no one paying attention in Pete’s class.  I will really miss hanging out between classes talking about random stuff also, the two classes combined made the transition to college friends a lot easier to handle and not make anything awkward.   


Forgetting to do the campus safaris right before the class was always fun not, having to worry about taking notes on stuff that we didn’t want to take notes on.  I never thought I would say this but inquiry actually got fun after a while, lee made the class seem less nerve racking to take because someone that we know had gone through it before we did.  But now that this semester is coming to an end I hope I see my friends around campus.  Keeping ties between friends made in college is always good, someone told me a while ago before orientation that the friends you make in college will are your true friends and will stay with you for the rest of your life. 

One Day..

My ideal life after college after college is simple; hopefully use the degree I got at Southern Connecticut State University to further and better my life by getting a job in the area I was taught in.   I would also like to get my own place with my dog and my girlfriend and finally start my adult life.  I would like to be making enough money from my job to have the car of my dreams and hopefully have enough to pay for other necessities in my life.    But the one thing I really want is to truly be happy doing what I do every day, wake up with a smile on my face and go to bed with a smile on my face.  I want to make a good amount of money, get through the tough years after college happy and satisfied that my college education actually paid off in the long run.

Eventually I want to move away from the city/rural area and move down south.  I have always wanted to live in North Carolina on the shore and on a beach and relax with my family every day.  But I know it will take a long time, but for now I am sticking with all I want is to be happy with everything in my life after college with the people that make me happy to be alive.  I want to be a normal average Joe and live my life like everyone else after college, pay off loans and live on coffee and fast food just like we all did in college.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

my life be like ooh ahh
This is my video so far its a little on the short side now, but i promise it will get alot better..i plan to interview all the people in my life who know me very well and can judge which job they think i would be better at.  So comment on what you like and dont like so far, i still want to ask more questions to the people i am interviewing.  post them on here if you want!